
How To Start Music Career Without Money

Photo Credit: Lorri Lang

Photograph Credit: Lorri Lang

You lot might exist considering a career in music. Or maybe you're well on your way.

Whatever your situation, creating a program needs to exist at the center of your music career. And in this post, you'll learn exactly how to brand one.

Why You Need a Programme

It'due south a little embarrassing, but it took me 9-x years to finally make substantial progress in my music career. And the turning bespeak was when I created my long-term plan.

I learned success is subjective. And afterwards I divers my success, good things started happening for me, and now I'yard pumped about where I'thou headed.

A plan is like using the maps app on your phone. You have to know where you're going earlier you lot head out on your trip.

Without a map, y'all'll get lost. And if you've ever gotten lost on a road trip, yous know how frustrating, time-wasting, and overwhelming it tin experience.

And so here are a couple of reasons why every indie musician needs their own plan…

A Program Guides You lot

Instead of blindly following the path that successful artists took, y'all need to cull your adventure wisely.

At that place are so many promising opportunities for musicians, information technology tin be difficult to choose just one or 2.

Should you try to get viral on TikTok? Or go on tour? Or dive into sync licensing? Maybe make and sell beats?

Only it'southward also heady how many opportunities indie musicians have present. You only have to notice a couple that work for yous.

And when you create a program, you'll learn what your "hell yes'south" are and what to say no to. Then you have a guide that keeps you on course.

A Program Keeps Yous From Quitting

When you have directions for where to go and what to do for your music career, you stay encouraged.

Any time you're feeling discouraged, you can zoom out and remind yourself, "No, I am definitely walking down the correct path."

And so if y'all've ever felt overwhelmed or downtrodden, a plan is what will choice you up and transport you on your way.

How To Kickoff a Music Career With a Programme

Here are the basic steps to create a plan for your music career. Spend a little fourth dimension post-obit these tips and y'all'll quickly come across how useful a plan is.

Find Your Large Picture

The first step is to ascertain your success. In other words, figure out what your "big picture" is.

To notice your big motion-picture show, ask yourself, "If coin were no business organization and I could get upward tomorrow forenoon and do whatever I wanted equally a musician…what would I do?"

Answering this question volition tell you what your success is. Then you tin more hands verbalize what that looks like.

Detect Your Income Streams

how to start a music career

Photo credit: Amin Asbaghipour

In one case you lot know what type of musician you lot want to be (i.e. your success), yous can quickly find related streams of income.

Here are some resources for pursuing income streams related to your big picture…

Writing and recording songs:

  • Making music for Boob tube/picture show
  • Write songs for performing artists
  • Producing other artists from your home studio


  • Play locally and/or bout regionally/nationally (plus, go performance royalties)
  • Go jobs playing for other artists/bands
  • Play corporate gigs

Playing your instrument:

  • Get a session musician
  • Teach lessons

Making beats:

  • Sell your beats online
  • Produce rappers or electronic artists
  • Perform equally a DJ

Focus On Your Avenues of Income

Okay, now that you've got your large pic and you've chosen your income streams, it'due south fourth dimension to effigy out and focus on your avenues of income. In other words, the sources of your income.

These income sources need to be direct related to your big picture.

For example, if you desire to make a living from sync licensing, find two-3 licensing companies, libraries, and/or music supervisors to focus on ‒ these are your avenues of income. Then build solid relationships with these companies/people and submit all your music to them.

Focus on the platforms and people who can provide your chosen streams of acquirement.

Practice Something Small Today

Once yous've got your avenues of income, yous have to figure out modest tasks y'all can do on any given day that will move you frontward.

And then, using the sync licensing instance, your tasks could be:

  • Submit music to ABC licensing visitor
  • Work on producing a song
  • Email a fellow musician in sync licensing to pick their brain (offer to treat them to coffee)

Once you have several tasks, add them to your agenda. Merely skip the to-do list and schedule these tasks when you know you'll take free time. Successful people use calendars, not to-do lists.

And you don't accept to block out two hours to practise these things. It can be equally little as 15 minutes if that'southward all the fourth dimension you have.

Small-scale, consistent steps are ameliorate than infrequent leaps.

Start Today

Now you know how to starting time a music career. You have a plan, a system that will move you lot toward a career that fits your personality and preferences.

The last step is to just start. Do something today, notwithstanding small, and you'll at least be moving forward.


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