
How To Get Pencil Out Of Fabric

When you have a problem w ouldn't it be wonderful if you could just erase it away like you can pencil marks? It would make life so much simpler and easier to live. Even on fabric, pencil marks are not that hard to get rid of. You just need to know the right technique.

One of the simplest ways to get rid of pencil stains or marks from quilts is to use a good-quality eraser. Not all erasers will work and you have to be gentle when doing the rubbing out but it can be done. Just be careful not to pull stitches out or distort the fabric.

To learn more about removing pencil marks from quilts and fabric, just keep reading our article. It provides solutions and tips to make sure you get the information you need. Take a few minutes to see which technique will work best for you.

Removing Pencil Marks 101

Tip #1 : Don't panic. Getting rid of pencil marks is not like trying to f=get rid of pen marks

Tip #2 : Some fabric and sewing stores do carry a fabric eraser to help you clean up any pencil marks you made while sewing.

Does Pencil Wash Out of Fabric?


Unfortunately, this is one type of mark that is hard to remove on the first wash. The pencil marks will come out eventually but it may take several washings to do it. The marks will fade with each wash so you may not see it without looking too hard.

If you do not have water-based markers to use, you should mark the backside of the quilt with a pencil. That way the marks will not be seen when the quilt is finished. Also, you can use a pencil with the same colored fabrics but the marks may be difficult to see.

Or forget the pencil and take the time to find some cheap water-based markers. These markers should way out the first time you put the quilt into the laundry. if you have patience, use your pencil all the time and if you don't, look for an alternative to a pencil.

Tip #3 : Make sure that when you use a pencil to make your sewing or quilting marks, mark the backside of the fabric. This may take a little more time but at least you won't see the marks when you are done.

What Will Remove Pencil Marks?

As you now know, a good pencil eraser should do the trick. But the key is a good pencil eraser. Not everyone will handle this problem well and the ones on the back of the pencil may spread the graphite further and deeper into your material.

If you do not have a good pencil eraser, you can use your favorite stain remover. This can be in the form of a stick, gel, or liquid. Just make sure to follow the instructions on the package.

Then if those don't work or you do not have them handy, put a tablespoon of liquid dishwashing liquid in 2 cups of cool water and mix thoroughly. After that is done, apply the mixture to the pencil marks gently.

When you have tried all or one of these methods, put the fabric in your washing machine and wash as the cleaning instructions say.

Tip #4 : Rinse the fabric under cool water and then apply a mixture of 1/4 cup cool water, 3/4 cup of rubbing alcohol, and 1 tablespoon of bleach-free liquid dish soap. Use a toothbrush to apply the mixture and be gentle

Does Colored Pencil Wash Out of Clothes?


It seems that it is a lot easier to get colored pencil marks out of fabric than it is to get normal pencil marks out. All you have to do is wash the fabric and almost all the color will disappear.

While there is some graphite in colored pencils, the main ingredients can be wax, clay, additives, and binders. This means you should be able to use the same solutions here are you do for just graphite pencil marks.

The initial wash, if at a warm or hot temperature, for many fabrics, should take care of most of the color the pencils left behind. Then apply the stain removers mentioned earlier and wash again.

As long as you do not iron the color marks before you wash, you should be able to get the stains out easily. Once you iron, those new colors may be in the fabric forever.

Tip #5 : To remove any wax crayon marks just soak the material in hot water for about 15 minutes. Then scrape off any excess crayon that you can. Then pour some dish soap over the marks and let sit for a while. Rinse with warm water and wash like normal.

How to Clean Pencil Marks Off Fabric

The first step is to make sure you have the proper eraser on hand. This is the easiest method and the least time-consuming. if you have a fabric eraser in your sewing room, then use that first and see if it does the job.

If not, try a regular pencil eraser but not the one at the end of your pencil. If that doesn't clean up the marks, then you can use 1/4 cup of cool water, 3/4 cup of rubbing alcohol, and 1 tbsp of liquid dishwashing soap.

Then use a toothbrush to scrub the area and do this gently. The toothbrush is the best type of brush to use in this situation. it is also a great brush to be gentle with. Once the scrubbing is over, double-check the washing instructions to make sure you wash the material at the right water temperature. Then dry in your dryer if the material can be dried using that appliance.

Tip #6 : There is a special device made for artists, architects, engineers, or draftsmen, and it looks like a stuffed sock. It is called a dry cleaning pad and it works on fabric as well. All you have to do is use a small circular motion to get it to work.

Remove Pen Marks From Fabric

Here are some methods you can try:

  • 1. Do not let the ink dry. While it is wet, wash it with a cotton ball soaked in water. Rub gently to remove as much of the stain as possible. Then let the scrubbed area dry.
  • 2. Put some paper towels under the fabric with the fabric right side down. Then spray the backside of the fabric with a hair spray product high in alcohol content. Do not use one with oils or conditioners in it. Blot the stain with the paper towels. Alternatives to using other than hair spray are nail polish remover or alcohol.
  • 3. This method can be done if 2 does not work that well. Mix vinegar and water together and let the fabric absorb the mixture. Once that is done rub with a toothbrush. An alternative mixture to use would be a paste made from baking soda and water.
  • 4. A last-ditch method would be to rub the stained area wit h shav ing cream . As with other methods, you need to rub gently but also you should rub firmly. The goal is to remove the stain and not damage the fabric.

Tip #7 : To remove ink stains from fabrics, you can buy ink solvents and dissolvers from your local stores. The key to using these products is to follow the instructions carefully. Make sure to test on a scrap piece of fabric first before attacking the stain.

Remove Chalk Marks From Fabric


The first step in this process is to simply shake and brush the r=area that has chalk on it. This will get the loose chalk off and if you are lucky, you won't see anymore. If that is the case, you can just wash the fabric normally.

But if it isn't the case, reach for your rubbing alcohol and a clean cloth. Wet the cloth and then blot the stain until no more color comes off. Then if this step is not as successful as it should be you can go to your backup plan.

Which is to use dishwashing liquid, spot stain removers, liquid laundry soap, and so on. Once one of those items is applied, let them soak in for a few minutes and then wash according to the care instructions on the label.

That last step is important as you can only wash the fabric in hot temperatures that the care instructions will allow. make sure to follow the care labels correctly. Avoid using the dryer until you know the stain is gone. Air drying is best and if you use your dryer too soon, you can heat set the stain and never get it out.

Tip #8 . Be careful when using rubbing alcohol on any fabric. It is still powerful enough to remove the color from some fabrics. Make sure to do a test first on scrap fabrics to make sure it won't remove any color from that specific material.

How Can I Get the Pencil Marks Off My Quilts?

Any of the methods we have already mentioned above should work on quilts. One thing to remember is that fabrics are fabrics and if you are using cotton in your quilt, then it will become clean like cotton in your shirt will become clean.

There is no magic formula for quilts and no alternative cleaning processes to use. Use the cleaning method that suits the fabric you are quilting with. When you use a pencil eraser or a fabric eraser, make sure to rub firmly but gently. You want to get the stain out but you do not want to pull any stitches or distort the fabric at all.

Also, make sure to use the right water temperature when washing the quilt. Hot water should only be used when washing quilting fabrics that can handle hot water. The same goes for the spot and other stain removers you may use.

Do not use any that will harm the quilting fabric you are working with. There is no sense in spoiling all your hard work over a few pencil marks that will washout eventually.

Take care in selecting the cleaning products you use.

Tip #9: To get chalk stains out of rugs and sofas, etc., vacuum the loose chalk first, then use 1 tbsp of dishwashing liquid and 2 cups of cool water and blot the stain with a clean cloth. Then allow it to dry.

How do You Get Colored Pencil Out of Upholstery?


First, you can try the above method used for regular pencil marks on colored pencil marks. They are made from graphite and should be able to be removed easily. Also, washing with a damp cloth should remove a lot of the color left behind.

Second, there are a lot of different methods to use like alcohol, WD-40, non-oily hairspray, salt, baking soda, and liquid dishwashing liquids. Add a little water and blot the stain with a clean cloth dip in the mixture.

The only stage missing will be your washing machine and this means you will have to result in manual cleaning. Or you can rent a steam cleaner if the fabric allows for hot water and steam use.

Some Final Words

While pencil marks are hard to wash out, they will go eventually. It is just a matter of time and your quilt or other fabrics will look as good as new again. But if you can't wait that long, then use one of the many methods and cleaners already discussed above.

Always make sure to do a cleaning test first to make sure you are not going to ruin your fabric with those cleansers.

How To Get Pencil Out Of Fabric


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