
How To Get A Dog To Gain Weight

owner holding small dog

Tanya Constantine/Getty

We have recently adopted a six-month-old mixed-breed puppy from rescue. The puppy was abandoned, abused, and is very fearful. How do we gain his trust?

Trust will be gained by time, training, and respect for the dog's feelings. Far too many cowering dogs are dragged over to confront exactly what they are desperately avoiding. This kind of "training" rarely works and often creates a stronger reaction of panic in the future. Counter-conditioning will always save the day, although it can be a long, slow process. This technique requires patience, but when done properly it will work to reprogram all but the most phobic of dogs.

Counter-conditioning works like this: If your dog is afraid of cars, place something he loves — a toy or a treat — near your car, at a distance that doesn't cause him to look nervous or concerned. Once your dog is happy and confident at that distance, gradually move the prize closer to the car. This process takes time, but with persistence, you'll see his fear diminish greatly. A trainer or dog behaviorist can properly evaluate your pup and create a similar training program specifically designed for his needs.

Next, make sure that the food you feed the puppy is free of as many chemicals as possible. Speak with your vet first, but my preference is to feed an all-natural, preservative-free diet. Some examples are Solid Gold, Innova, and California Natural. Also, your vet should do full blood work and run any tests he feels would uncover a medical reason for your dog's fear issues.

Exercise plays an important role in the life of any dog. I know that the fearfulness can make this difficult, but you need to find a way to incorporate 20 to 30 minutes of exercise into his life.

Obedience training is also essential. Fearful dogs respond well to something loose around their muzzle, a primal signal dogs give each other to indicate leadership. Try using a head collar called a Halti, which will represent your dominance and help him relax, knowing someone else is in charge.

If these options don't give your dog the relief he needs, consult your vet about fear-alleviating medications, as many dogs have responded well to this type of treatment. Medication alone isn't the answer, but it is a way to help other components of the program — training, exercising — move forward.

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How To Get A Dog To Gain Weight


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